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About Us

Almost every time Danes make a payment or use their mobile banking solution, they can send us a friendly thought. As an employee at JN Data, you help run the economy of Denmark. We are responsible for financial IT infrastructure which touches millions of Danes and over 40,000 employees in 200 banks and mortgage-credit institutions. You could say that we do everything that is essential yet invisible.

You can develop yourself both in depth and in breadth, and you can work with virtually any technology on a scale you don’t often encounter – both on-premise and in the cloud. We are always looking for the next improvement and have our contingency plans ready. We are super serious and we always want to do a little better as our solutions must always work.

Among your around 1,000 colleagues in Silkeborg, Roskilde and Warsaw, you help ensure that operations, development, and compliance work seamlessly. Our engagement is sky-high, and we love our jobs. We prioritise you and your work life, and we focus on your well-being and competency development. We are ready, we are ambitious, and we do our best for each other. #weareon

Employer jobs

Kan du identificere og afhjælpe sårbarheder i komplekse systemer og udføre skarpe penetrationstests? Vil du være en del af en virksomhed, som har IT-sikkerhed som topprioritet og ansvaret for IT-infrastrukturen til...
1w ago
Vil du være med til at drive og videreudvikle Third-Party Risk området i JN Data, der har ansvaret for it-infrastrukturen i størstedelen af landets finansielle sektor? Så er du måske vores nye kollega. Stilli...
1w ago
Vil du være ansvarlig for udviklingen og implementeringen af sikkerhedsstrategier i en organisation, der spiller en central rolle i den danske finanssektor?  Kan du omsætte komplekse sikkerhedsudfordringer til k...
3w ago
Kan du se dig selv have det faglige ansvar for datagrundlaget i én af finanssektorens vigtigste IT virksomheder? Motiveres du af at have en central funktion, hvor du både driver og står på mål for dit område? Så er du...
3w ago

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Want to connect with top cybersecurity talent? We collect Danish cybersecurity jobs from across the web, bringing them together here on Cyber-hub to make it easy for our community to find the right opportunities.

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